Friday, November 18, 2011


Impulsive. She had never taken two minutes to think something through. It was always a quick decision, always swift action. She regretted a few decisions afterwards but that never stopped or changed her from being impulsive.She is fiery and quick tempered. It is so easy to bait her and she is passionate about whatever she talks about.
I met her when she was a volunteer at the animal shelter. She was just giving a scathing piece of her mind to a man who had come asking for animals for product testing. She was glorious when angry. Her hands waved in air like a conductor of symphony. Her eyes glinted and her mouth was speaking words as she could frame them. No fear..none at all.
I was scared to even talk to her. I wanted to adopt a dog- nothing too young, nor too old. She sized me up with a glance from my head to toe.She nodded to herself. I passed her test. She took me to see some that were badly in need of a home. All the while talking about the shelter and what it did to help animals. I found myself listening to the tone of her voice, her gestures, her eyes!
I walked home with a puppy- a little Labrador. Clutched to my chest, the breath from the little one was gentle. Once we entered an area, all the dogs came running to her. She was so gentle with them. Breathtakingly gentle. And she handed me this pup and smiled. I could not refuse.
Found myself going back to the shelter the next week. I was ensnared.
She doesn't hesitate to tell me what she thinks even after 25 years. We are old. She has grandchildren. My wife died last year. We were walking along the road. She saw a man hitting his wife. She promptly thrust herself in front of him and gave him a taste of her fury.
Impulsive..that is what she is.

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