Thursday, October 16, 2014


You have a lot of friends that you bring over.
 I stand in the corner while they laugh even at the most pathetic excuse for a joke that you crack.
Father hugs you, mom kisses you. You won a silly pageant.
I throw my Academic Olympiad gold medal into the trash. I wear your crown when you aren't there.
You hold hands with a boy and kiss him at the park.
I tell our parents and they want to meet him. I try talking to mother about my feelings for this girl and she reacts with horror.
I catch you with another boy in the bed, when you think no one is at home.
I record it and send that video to all your friend and his girlfriend.
You get a job as a waitress and decide to pursue acting. Father says he has never seen anyone so versatile in acting.
I quote Shakespeare and he asks me not to show off.
You meet a man and get engaged.
I steal the ring and flush it down the toilet. I break up with my girlfriend.
You show me your wedding gown.
I slash it to pieces.
Your fiance consoles you even in your hysteria. he actually seems nice.
I kiss him, although I hate it and tell him that although it is wrong it feels right.
You go ahead with your ceremony and everything is perfect.
I do my damnedest to topple the cake, get drunk and flash my boobs.
You get pregnant and ask me to feel the baby's kick,
Now, if I could just get you to the top of the stairs......


  1. Sibling rivalry,right????
    If yes,that is scary.My sister actually did that to me lol..but we were 3 and 5 and I was a passenger in her tricycle and she went straight for the stair case :)

    1. Ha ha..yes..but definitely not well intentioned :P
